Sunday, September 27, 2009

Workout status

These past three weeks I've finally started working out again. With rest and 6 weeks of Physical Therapy, my recovery from the herniated disk has been amazing. I lost a ton of strength in my left leg from the herniated disk. The nerves controlling that leg were pinched, so it was basically not exercised much at all for over a month.

For most leg exercises and some arm exercises, I'm doing things one side at a time in order to make sure my left side works hard. My left side is still far weaker than the right, but it's closer to normal.

I've also decided to try something different. I'm following something I read about in Pavel Tatsoaline's website/book. For shoulder press, I'm trying 5 sets of 5 5 minutes between sets and raising the resistance when I can complete all 25 repetitions. I've never worked with such a long break between sets before. We'll see what happens.

When I herniated my disk I swore Super Slow would be the only exercise I ever do. But even though it's brutally hard and certainly stimulates some strength, there have been several times I gained far more strength more rapidly doing something quite different. I just don't know. If I get hurt again, Super Slow it is.

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